I. Introduction Im Going To Be Doing My Community Service With Mr.Gates On Certain Days ' That Im Able To Work With Him . I Just Have To Check With My Work Schedule .
II. Profile of the organization(s) you worked for.
Who are they?
What do they do to serve the community?
When do they provide their services?
Where do they provide their services?
Why is there a need for their services? Mr.Gates A Participation In Government Teacher ' He Can Use Some Help With Organizing Some Paper Work That Has To Be Done . Organizing Paper Work Is A Very Good Example Of Gathering Important Papers That You Need On You At All Times .Specially If You Have Court And You Need All Of Your Papers That's Evidence And Proves To Them . Everyday You Should Keep Yourself Organized . ORGANIZATION - an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc.
III. The mission statement of the organization. (If you worked for a
structured organization not an individual) (hint: look up the mission statement on the organization's website . Vision: Our
vision is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where
all students will recognize and achieve their fullest potential, with
support from staff and community resources, so all are prepared for
college/career and ultimately contributing their life purpose and skills
to society.
Mission: Fowler
High School recognizes that each student is an individual; that all
students are creative; that all students need to succeed. Therefore,
Fowler High School respects the individual needs of students; fosters a
caring and creative environment; and emphasizes the social, emotional,
physical, intellectual development of each student.
III. Description of the specific tasks you performed for he organization or
individual . Basically Keeping My Teacher On Task ' Putting All His Paper Work Together In Different Piles That He Need . Specially If Its Students Work . We Want To Make Sure We Keep Them Neatly At All Times .
IV. Discuss any memorable personal experience; positive or negative, you had
during your service that you feel were important. How these tasks impacted the mission of the organization or the
well-being of the individual? My Community Service Time Was Very Positive . I've Accomplished All My Goals To Getting My Community Service Done
VI. Conclusion: Your personal reactions to the act of performing community service Positive and/or negative reactions
Do you feel you made a difference? Why or why not.
What impact do you believe community service has on our society?
Would you recommend your community service opportunity(ies) to other
Why or why not?
Formatting requirements for the paper
General Requirements:
500 - 750 words in length
Word processed in 12 pt size font
Accepted fonts: Times or Times New Roman
Margins: 1-inch top, bottom, left & right
Double spaced
Here is one student's community service draft reflection. Use http://yashoda2.blogspot.com
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